Deans Class 2: 8+ year olds

Class Type:


Club Description:

This class accommodates children who have done judo over a reasonable period of time. They have shown competency in doing various standing throws and groundwork manoeuvres. Crucially they can work with a partner safely and understand and the basics of falling. They are competent judoka. This class promotes judo on a movement basis instead of static. In short the movements and exercises are more dynamic and have a more ‘linked’ and progressive teaching pathway.

Coach Description:

This class delves further into the Mon grading syllabus while introducing judo techniques that are more challenging for the Judoka. This class still features judo themed games although in less quantity than the previous level.

Class Address:

East Barn, Carmondean Community Centre, Nether Dechmont, Deans, EH54 8AX

March 12 @ 17:30
17:30 — 18:15 (45′)

Deans, West Lothian

Euan Hepburn

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