Musselburgh Class 3: 12+ year olds

Class Type:


Club Description:

This class caters for children who have shown real commitment to learn the skills of judo. All 4 forms of scoring (ie throwing, holding, armlocks and strangles) are taught in this environment – and combination teaching (ie more than 1 technique in a sequence) is required, with us working on a high level of fitness and additional training techniques. We are also looking for competence in Japanese terminology for the sport

Coach Description:

This class uses a wide range of advanced judo techniques all while continuing to progress through the later stages of the Mon grading syllabus. Judo themed games are again less in quantity in this level, and the judoka have to earn them by working well and hard on their judo skills.

Class Address:

Musselburgh Sports Centre, 101 Newbigging, Musselburgh EH21 7AS

March 17 @ 17:30
17:30 — 18:15 (45′)

East Lothian, Musselburgh

Marc Preston

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