Denny Class 1: 5- 7 year olds

Class Type:


Club Description:

Our kids’ classes are a perfect introduction to judo for the beginner, and an excellent start even for newer members if they have done a little judo already. All our kids classes are centred around your child having fun while learning the basic movement patterns required for Judo – including being able to fall safely. Our classes promote exercise as a fun and necessary activity in their lives. At this stage, it really is based on the FUNdamental movements. Balance, co-ordination and essential cross sport movements are an important part of the development process.

Coach Description:

This class is aimed at Judoka aged 5-8. This class focuses on brining them up to speed on the basics of Judo with the Kai grading syllabus, then improving upon these basics by gradually adding in more difficult techniques, along with incorporating some fun with Judo themed games too.

Class Address:

Denny Sports Centre, Town House Street, Denny, FK6 5DX.

March 12 @ 16:00
16:00 — 16:45 (45′)

Denny, Falkirk

Jordan Devlin

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