The many pathways
Success through commitment
Whatever your goals, Destination Judo can help you set them, refine them and help you reach them.
The best time to start Judo is as a young child.
The second best time to start Judo is right now.
We actively promote testing yourself in our sport. One way to do that is regularly via randori and of course competition. We have many judoka that have progressed and improved and are now part of the national training program.
A sense of purpose is important, volunteering gives you that as well as helping the judo community at large. Be it coaching, refereeing, stewarding or just general assistance we can help.
For some the route forward is to target technical Dan grade or to study the Kata.
This is by no means the easier track to success. There is a lot of learning and dedication required. You can of course compete, and do technical examinations – some do.
Coaching is both rewarding and satisfying. You achieve your goals by helping others develop and achieving their goals.
We actively encourage our older judoka to take their coaching qualifications as a way to round out their learning and hopefully to encourage the next generation of judo coach. We give them experience leading small groups and nurture their coaching development.
Judo Life
Judo has a strong set of foundational ethics: Courtesy, Courage, Friendship, Honesty, Honor, Modesty, Respect, Self-Control.
These play a huge part in our Judoka’s lives on and off the mat. These manifest themselves through Confidence, Maturity, Learning, Friendship, Happiness, and Wellbeing (amongst others of course).
People Development
Supporting our national governing body Judo Scotland we follow and support their long-term people development framework and adjust it slightly to reflect both Judo and Life goals. The ultimate aim is to maximise our judokas potential and to help them grow into great athletes, skillful practitioners and, above all else, well-rounded people.

Active Pandas
For children under 5 we support Active Pandas. This is run by one of our judo parents who is a qualified coach and is an excellent introduction to an active lifestyle and to judo through structured gymnastics and play.

For children from 5 through 9 the emphasis is on fun. We focus on essential movement skills and follow the child centric Kai grading system

For children between 8 and 12 we start to introduce the more formal Mon grading system of learning. We also look to give the children their early exploratory experience of competition through our own Squad and Supersquad program and will also look to encourage the first steps into local and national competitions.

Between the ages of 11 and 16 we up the ante. This stage is all about establishing a solid framework to the judoka's experience. We further develop and entrench sport specific skills, we look to formally introduce challenge: be that competition or technical or kata progression. This is the stage where good habits are formed. Competition is still secondary to individualised development. This is where your Judo Scotland transition program will start.

For youths aged between 15 and 23. We are now aiming for finalising our Judokas Mon learning and embarking on preparation for their Dan journey. The first Dan award makes the judoka a ShoDan (beginning degree). This is the real beginning of the journey in Judo. Everything up to now is preparation for the real journey. Whether they want to compete, coach, referee, volunteer or just be a great judo partner this is where everything gets real.

Around the age of 18 the focus is on taking all of the experience so far and ensuring that our Judoka meet and exceed their goals. This may be the start of a journey as a full time judo athlete with British Judo. It may be the start of a coaching career; we have put quite a few of our young judoka through their first coaching qualifications. Whatever the goal we know we will have helped equip our judoka to have the drive and confidence to succeed.

Judo Life
At all ages - whether it's competing in Masters or Veterans or just maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle we can help. Judo is an excellent way to achieve physical literacy. It has many complex movements that have to be performed dynamically against resisting opponents. To be Judo strong is to be Life strong. Try out some of our core sessions.
Success has many routes…
We help you find yours!
Policy Documents
Supporting our young Judo players and keeping them safe is paramount to us. We follow the SafeLandings scheme. The ultimate aim is to make sure everyone understands their role in safeguarding your children. Please see our Policy Documents to support that:
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