Class Type: Beginner Club Description: Our kids’ classes are a perfect introduction to judo for the beginner, and an excellent start even for newer members if they have done a little judo already. All our kids classes are centred around your child having fun while...
Class Type: Intermediate Club Description: This class accommodates children who have done judo over a reasonable period of time. They have shown competency in doing various standing throws and groundwork manoeuvres. Crucially they can work with a partner safely and...
Class Type: Advanced Club Description: This class caters for children who have shown real commitment to learn the skills of judo. All 4 forms of scoring (ie throwing, holding, armlocks and strangles) are taught in this environment – and combination teaching (ie more...
Class Type: School Club Club Description: This session is a dedicated School Club Session. Judo is an excellent all round sporting activity and that has been recognised by this school as providing real benefit to its student community. If your child is a pupil of the...
Class Type: School Club Club Description: This session is a dedicated School Club Session. Judo is an excellent all round sporting activity and that has been recognised by this school as providing real benefit to its student community. If your child is a pupil of the...