Destination Judo’s Lockdown Journey
Rewind back to the end of March 2020.
The Destination Judo coaches had to make the tough but necessary decision to put a stop to our regular judo classes. We were all devastated that we had to do so, but the safety of our judo family and everyone in the country came first.
“We used modern technology to keep you engaged“
Immediately after we put a stop to our classes we started a brainstorming session on what kind of classes we could do going forward. After a long day of coming up with awesome ideas we started work on our first virtual dojo sessions! We were all unsure about how to interact with a camera at first but in time we would get the hang of it. The video’s were an instant hit! From Marc’s Tai-otoshi session which saw Jake throw Marv several times! Or Marv’s belt tying challenge where we loved seeing lots of our Judoka race him to see if they could beat his time! And even Jordan’s build your own Judo Dummy video where he showed you how to make your own partner using items from round the house, Many Judoka used these during the Lockdown Grading and we loved seeing them! And many many more videos! Not to mention the activity sheets Danny would produce every single Monday too!
“We turned it up yet again to bring our members the Virtual Summer Camp!“
The Destination Judo team took it up a gear by adding in live judo sessions started by Callum, which saw lots of Judoka from round the world take part every Saturday morning and they are still growing strong! Over time Colin started a zoom fitness class on a Thursday night which was a great success! And a few months later we turned it up yet again to bring our members the Virtual Summer Camp! Which saw three straight days of live judo sessions and activity sheets! We loved it and so did our members that took part!
“We went outdoor to train with you!“
Fast-forward to today and the live sessions are still going strong with another one added on a Tuesday night now too! Colin’s zoom classes are still amazing and have been moved to a Monday. Callum every midweek has an extremely interesting live interview with a variety of different guests. The Destination Judo team have been running awesome outdoor judo classes! And perhaps best of all we have launched what in our humble opinion is the best website in the world! The new and improved Destination Judo website!

“We build a new informative website!“
As we are fast approaching the full return of our indoor classes, The Destination Judo team would like to say an enormous thank you to all of our Destination Judo family who have stuck by us through this whole lockdown journey and have engaged with all of our amazing content during this time! We can’t wait to see you back indoors!