So, you have been training hard!
Great job! Keep it going.
You will get stronger, and you will get fitter and healthier.
“Do you really need protein right after a workout or training session?”
Method and Ingredients:
The most delicious, easy to make, nutritious protein shake we can suggest requires only four ingredients, can be premade at home and is very tasty. You will need:
- A banana
- Milk (cows milk, nut milk – use what works for you)
- Whey protein powder – chocolate tastes amazing
- Peanut butter (or peanut butter powder, or any other nut butter)
You mix everything in a blender, and that is it. You have your own, nutritious homemade protein shake to use during the anabolic window after your training.
Check out our video above.
There is no definitive science behind this ’window of opportunity’ or if you prefer ‘anabolic window’.
However observing world-class athletes we can see they do use protein shakes as a post-workout meal, and they have great results.
The human body is very complicated and some things are very hard to prove as they are very complex.
One thing we know for sure: It will not do you any harm to use protein shakes to your advantage in conjunction with a good well balanced, well-considered diet. If you feel good with that and see results then there is your answer!
It is also worth mentioning that in order to achieve your personal training goals, you have to focus on eating a good diet in general.
One shake alone is not going to make a difference. A diet that is nutritionally dense and well balanced will fuel your body and work for you in the long term.
You know they say that proper balance is the key. The balance here is an excellent training regime, proper nutrition, stress management, life balance, mental health, quality of sleep, just to mention a few.
What absolutely know is that caring about yourself gets you results.
Try it and see…